Vinyl floors are the absolute trend. But PVC (polyvinyl chloride) has direct and indirect effects on our health. Floor coverings with PVC have been criticized for years, especially because of harmful plasticiser they contain, which have a negative impact on our environment and health.

Mit CERAMIN bieten wir Ihnen einen PVC-freien Bodenbelag auf Polypropylen-Basis (PP).

Best quality due to the use of polypropylene (PP-05)

Bei unseren CERAMIN-Bodenbelägen kommt statt Polyvinylchlorid (PVC)  der Kunststoff Polyproylen (PP-05) zum Einsatz. Polypropylen ist unbedenklich sowohl in der Herstellung als auch in der späteren Verwendung und anschließenden Entsorgung. Der Kunststoff wird zumeist in der Verpackungsindustrie für Lebensmittel eingesetzt, da er einen besonders hohen Reinheitsgrad aufweist. Zudem ist Polypropylen deutlich robuster als Polyvinylchlorid aufgrund seiner Materialeigenschaften.

In addition, our wall and floor coverings do not require the addition of plasticiser or other harmful stabilizers.

100% PVC free

Soft PVC products such as design or vinyl flooring still require the addition of harmful plasticiser. However, as these cannot be firmly bound, they evaporate over time and depending on the application and thus enter the respiratory tract via the room air or, in the case of application close to the body, the human (or animal) hormone and immune system via the skin. The damage has been proven by studies several times. 

CERAMIN ist 100 % frei von PVC und Schadstoffen wie Chlor und Weichmachern – ausgezeichnet mit dem Blauen Engel und anderen Zertifikaten. 

Made from recycled materials

CERAMIN is not only produced to a large extent from recycled materials, but is also 100% recyclable afterwards. 

The recyclates are post-consumer materials, e.g. plastic food packaging. The use of recyclates on the one hand releases significantly less CO2, since no new oil has to be extracted, and on the other hand the processing of recyclates requires less energy than virgin PP.

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